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Jan 23, 2012

Zone Conference!!

Sister Fish and I got to go to St. Vincent last week for Zone Conference.  That was an awesome experience! We were able to hear from President Gamiette, the Assistants and Elder Venus (of one of the Quorums of the Seventy).  We learned so many valuable things, not only for while we are serving full-time missions, but that will benefit us our entire lives.  Unfortunately, I forgot my notes so I can't post anything today about it. Sorry! I just remember that it was great to be edified and we learned a lot about how to help increase the faith of those around us.  Anyway, we are back in Grenada and looking forward to a great week! Oh, and yesterday was Sister Fish's birthday so we are celebrating today during our P-Day activities.  Well, I don't have much time, Gotta Run!